Big Island Coffee Roasters -Kona Bloom * Kona Blossom Infused *

Coffee Origin:
Hawai’i, Kona

Coffee Species

Coffee Varietal
typica, Progeny 502

Coffee Elevation

Coffee Farm/ Producers
Hualalai, Hawaii

Coffee Roasting Date, Roaster
Big Island Coffee Roasters - 6/1/2016

Coffee Processing


The beans have the fragrance of malt, brown sugar, granola, plumeria, squash blossom, pulasan, burro banana, cocoa powder, butter, honeycomb, muted ground turmeric, plum, sassafras bark, licorice root, citron, mountain apple, milo wood and long pepper

The grounds have the fragrance of honeycomb, jasmine, yucca root, licorice root, citron, longon, plantain, yucca root, sassafras bark, granola, kumquat, cocoa powder, macadam nutshell, malt, plumeria, lilac,  butter, milk powder, and white cranberry



The aroma of this coffee is of fresh tobacco, sandalwood, lilac, pulasan, licorice root, honeysuckle, plumeria, cocoa powder, malt, grilled blood orange, white cranberry, and granola

This is medium body coffee that is juicy with a black tea like consistency and a slightly creamy note that is velvety

This is a low acidity coffee that has a delicate floral note that quickly dissipates with a cane like sugar finish and

The flavors of this coffee are of bakers chocolate, licorice root, pulasan, licorice root, plumeria, honey comb, blood orange, cane sugar, malt, plum, sassafras bark, maintain apple, kumquat, lilac, red apple, white cranberry and noni

As it cools cream notes develop along with a sick rice, longon, and vanillin 



The aroma of this coffee is of plum, sassafras bark, malt, licorice root, cocoa powder, mountain apple, cherimoya, watermelon rind, oat, yucca root, soil, coconut husk, and light brown sugar

The body is much like being cupped with more of the juicy note prominent

The acidity has gotten higher with a bright and tart note that is up front then finishes with a lingering dry chalky feel

The flavors of this cup are of pulasan, sassafras root, burnt cane sugar, plum, long pepper, malt, grilled watermelon, cocoa powder, yucca flower, prickly pear, and almond milk

I highly recommend this coffee on this as it brings great textural and flavor notes to your mouth without being overpowering or being dull along with no after taste


The aroma of this coffee is of leather, marijuana, molasses, cocoa nib, sour cream, malt, pulasan, sassafras root, sandalwood, burlap, mountain apple, Asian pear, and burro banana

The body is heavy with a creamy and thick syrupy texture that is velvety coating  

The acidity is high with a dirty with a sharp complexity like of carbon with a vibrant muted and lingering finish

The flavors of this cup are of beach mushroom, soil, sassafras root, bakers cocoa, toasted black walnut, plum, prickly pear, yucca root, pulasan, noni, and squash blossom

This is a good cup of coffee but does not bring out the sweet and floral notes that this coffee should have, so I would say do not use this for this delicate coffee