Coffee Origin : Colombia, Hila
Coffee Species: Arabica
Coffee Varietal: Purple Caturra
Coffee Elevation:1773 MASL
Coffee Farm/ Producers: Rodrigo Sanchez
Coffee Roasting Date, Roaster : KOS Coffee -
Coffee Processing: Mojito Co-Ferment
The beans have the fragrance of elderberry syrup, mint, black lime, wheat germ, chervil, strawberry cotton candy, dragons blood, concord grape, pineapple, cane sugar, marshmallow, milk powder, orange blossom water, plumeria, and white peach
The grounds have the fragrance of black lime, coriander, mint, blood orange, cabernet grape, marionberry, pink pineapple, cotton candy, musk, malt, lilac, Crenshaw melon, pine nut oil, and rose hips
The aroma is of blood orange, plumeria, finger limes, concord grape, pineapple mint, marshmallow, lilac, lemon verbena, chervil, strawberry, blueberry, peach blossom, black apricot jam, and gray sea salt
This is a full bodied coffee that is tart with a thick coating that quickly laces away to a delicate tea-like dry mouthfeel
This is a high acidity coffee that is bright and tart with a lingering day aftertaste
The flavors of this co-ferment are of blood orange, black lime, black currant, dragons blood, dried mint, fermented peach, chervil, strawberry, marionberry syrup, black apricot, plum, Crenshaw melon, milo wood, Nicaraguan tobacco, pineapple skin, and mangosteen
As it cools the lime becomes very prominent with a dark berry banknote