origin: Ethiopia
varietal: 100% Heirloom Varieties
elevation: 1800 - 1950 Meters
farm: Ibrahim Hussein, Limu Genet
process: Natural Dried on Raised Beds
This full body coffee with a medium to full acidity. This coffee has great flavors and bouquet all the way through with bright high notes filling your pallet.
This coffee has a unusual aroma of meat like of lamb, sage, cilantro, and saffron but all very plsent on the nose.
The coffee has none of the flavors of the aroma till it cools, The flavors at first are of kumquat, yeast, floral notes like of dandelion or chamomile and slight notes of dark chocolate. As this coffee cools is when you get the meat notes are prevalent like lamb or beef with back notes of berries like that of current or coffee cherries.
This coffee is very unique and very good.
I would recommend to try it if you have a chance.
It would be a great pared with a nice meat dish and mushroom risotto or roosted potatoes.