Coffee Origin:
Papua New Guinea
Coffee Species:
Coffee Varietal:
Coffee Elevation:
Coffee Farm:
Coffee Roasting Date, Roaster
Idyllwild Coffee Roasters
Coffee Processing:
The beans have the fragrance of musk, tobacco, turmeric, ashy, sower citrus, earth
The grounds have the fragrance of lemon, coriander, all spice, thyme, chicory, cedar, yeast, hops, tomato, and coca nibs
The atoms of this coffee is of molasses, chamomile, orange, tobacco, tar, almonds, mushroom,
The body of this coffee is lacking complexity and depth
This is a high and bitter acidity coffee
The flavor of this coffee is of tobacco, mushroom, ground beef, backing soda, pickled ginger, hickory, clove, toasted walnut and turmeric
Back note of chili pepper and smoked paprika