origin: Ethiopia , Kochere
varietal: Heirloom
elevation: 1900 - 2000 Meters
farm: Ethiopia Thklu Dembel
process: Washed
The beans have the fragrance of peach, berries, lavender, caramel, cream, citrus like tangerine, lychee,
The grounds have the fragrance of berries, chamomile, green tea, bree cheese, orange peel, saffron
The aroma off the crack is of Concord grape, tamarind, milk chocolate, yeast, lemon grass, and turmeric
This is a bright full body coffee with high acidity.
The flavors of this coffee are Lemon, smoked paprika, berries like of strawberry or blue berry, coriander, saffron, bay leaf, mellon like of honeydew, cream on a back not along with bell pepper.