Parisi Artisan Coffees - Guatemala San Pedro La Laguna

Coffee Origin:
Guatemala, San Pedro La Laguna

Coffee Species

Coffee Varietal
Bourbon, Caturra, Typica

Coffee Elevation
1,500 - 1,600 M

Coffee Farm/ Producers

Coffee Roasting Date, Roaster
Parisi Artisan Coffees - 8/31/2015

Coffee Processing
Washed, Sun-dried


The beans have the fragrance of hemp seed, bakers chocolate, dried apricot, rose hips, yucca root, chia, almond, black apple, kumquat blossom, pink lemon, and yeast

The grounds have the fragrances of kumquat, toasted cashew, leather, plum, loquat, rose hips, dark chocolate, bottle brush, cream, watermelon rind, and chervil 

The aroma is of tart cherry blossom, back walnut, rose hips, honey, chervil, loquat, dark chocolate ganache, yucca root, yeast, and plum

This is a medium - full body coffee with a smooth and creamy mouth feel that is like a melted chocolate consistency

This is a medium acidity coffee that is tart with a delicate structure ending with a dry lingering pointed taste



The flavors of this coffee is of pink lemon, rose hips, dark chocolate, white chocolate, cream. walnut butter, kumquat, tobacco, goat cheese, red current, black cherry,

As it cools notes of milk chocolate and cream come through along with a slight note of red current