Populace Coffee - Sulawesi Pango-Pango

Coffee Origin: Sulawesi; Pango Pango-Perindingan, Tana Toraja

Coffee Species:

Coffee Varietal:
S795 Typica

Coffee Elevation:
1400-1600 M

Coffee Farm/ Producers

Coffee Roasting Date, Roaster
Populace Coffee - 3/2/2015 

Coffee Processing:
Fully Washed and Dried at Central Dry Mil


The beans have a fragrance of green apple, caramel, loquat, jasmine, coconut husk, bakers chocolate, malt, pink lemon, green tea, dried apricot, cedar, hazelnut, biscotti, and dill

The grounds have the fragrance of tart green apple, iodine, nougat, tomato sauce, key lime, balers chocolate, mission fig, yucca flower, sage, slight hint of berry like of raspberry or strawberry 


The aroma of this coffee is of fig, raisins, coca nibs, dill, cashew, dried green apple, burnt sugar, tamarind, and molasses.

This is a full body coffee that is creamy with a smooth mouthfeel tapering to a  juicy and chewy coating

This is a high acidity coffee that is juicy through out with a sharp forward that is quick going to a dry complexity that is dull and lingering


The flavors of this coffee are of caramel, candied pecan, dark chocolate, freeze dried raspberry, cream, cherry, dill, red pear, red grapefruit zest, plum, soil, red apple, chervil, dried coconut, coriander and baking soda 

Back notes of macadamia and want hints of yellow tea