Back Alley (NOW CLOSED) - Redlands, CA

located in Downtown Redlands, where Augie’s use to be is the new coffee shop Back Alley that opened the first week of December 2018.

The inside is very clean with seating for around 15-20 people in the front but is somewhat darker than before as the colors are a black ceiling and white walls.

They are hoping to also sell Alcohol to and their permit is in but taking time.

As of right now, they are using coffee from Gaviña.

The Coffee

Espresso :

They do serve a double shot and that is good but the coffee is well BAD.

It is over-roasted with a high acid note and flavors of tobacco, carbon, and black garlic. The aroma is of damp soil and leather.

This is, well as I have not had worse ever and Starbucks is better !!!!