Illy - Mochaccino w/ Domori

This canned coffee has no pronounced coffee flavor and is more heavy on milk. The chocolate is not really present and is more of a side note considering that they use Domori Chocolate. The color of this coffee is not a normal caramel color.

This is not any better then most other caned coffee mochas and is a dissepiment.  


Monster - Kona Blend

​This canned coffee has a strong note of coffee but is more like chocolate milk with coffee. There is an aroma of coffee to this drink.  It is smooth and silky in texture and look. There is a bad chalky aftertaste with this drink.

Starbucks DoubleShot - Coffee

At first look you may think an energy drink from Starbucks oh my but this energy drink is nothing like most. Once you open then can it is easy to tell the difference from the rest do to the aroma coming from the can. The flavor of the Starbucks Doubleshot Energy lineup, Coffee is a combination of coffee, and milk. Starbucks added guarana, ginseng, and vitamins to this drink so it would be an energy drink and yet you do not taste them at all. The big thing to me is 210 calories in the 15oz can is high and there is a slight chalky aftertaste with it probably do to the  sucralose

On the can they  say it has Sugars are at 26g and sodium is 170mg. As for the vitamins in it, A is 8%, C is 50%, D is 20%, B6 is 200%, Calcium is 40%, Iron is 2%, Niacin is 200%, and Riboflavin in 200%; with all this to me you should just go get a hand made coffee and eat an orange instead.

Illy Issimo - Latte Macchiato

The Illy Macchiato has a great coffee pronounced taste without the milk being so over powering. The main ingredients are coffee, milk, and sugar. The combination works so well and is perfect for its size. The can is 8.45 FL OZ (250 ml). It is made with 100% Arabica according to the company which is owned by The Coca Cola Co.  and is a product of Denmark.

The flavor is of Carmel and of the coffee. The coffee has a very slight fruit flavor.

This can has 110 Calories and 25 Fat Cal along with total fat of 3g, sodium 55mg, cholesterol 10mg, and sugars 16g.

This coffee is one of the better you can have if you looking for caned coffee and I highly recommend it.