Elm Coffee Roasters - Seattle, Washington

Located in a non-descriptive building behind a pane door and next to a taco shop is probably one of the biggest hidden gems of Seattle of the Coffee Culture in general.


They are located on 2nd Ave S & Main St. and to find them you need to look up for their sign but once inside, it is small and yet a wonder.

They have seating at the bar and about six tables and that’s it and behind is the roastery where you can watch and smell the elegance being roasted.


The menu they have only showcased the coffee in every aspect.

You can not find any blended or drinks with caramel or whipped cream. They focus on the traditional and some modern classics now like the espresso tonic.

One of the more unique aspects of their menu is to have a coffee flight with a featured espresso and brewed coffee. it’s such a great way to experience their quality and depth of there coffee they have.


The roster is I believe the UG15 Probat. They do roast in small batches

There is by what I was told coffee always roasted and their attention to detail rivals most specialty shops I have seen.